Proposed Sessions
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Content Strategy & Drupal: A Match Made in (Taxonomy) Heaven Natalya Minkovsky What does content strategy mean for the Drupal community? Working with a content strategist can help make the development process smoother and prevent last-minute surprises and frustrations. (“Why... |
Beginner | Business & end users |
Unravelling the Forms API Thomas Getgood HTML forms go back to the very beginning, but in the beginning they were a nightmare. Over time various frameworks and abstractions developed to wrap the horrors of naked forms so that you only... |
Beginner | Development |
Build your first module during this session: A practical approach to "glue code." John Robert Wilson One of the biggest advantages of Drupal is the number of contributed modules that are available to use. Contributed modules can offer a large benefit but often come with many extra features that... |
Beginner | Development |
Making Drupal easier to use: Current status and future plans David Rothstein Drupal 7 is easier to use than Drupal 6 was. But if we want to make building and managing Drupal sites an intuitive, delightful experience, especially for people who are new to the community, we... |
Beginner | Presentation |
Going Cowboy: Beyond Agile and Waterfall Seth Brown Typically large organizations like Lullabot approach projects with either an Agile or Waterfall approach, but both have drawbacks and pitfalls. In addition, both require quite a bit of project... |
Beginner | Business & end users |
What You See Is (not always) What you Get (but it can be) Andrew Mallis Configuring WYSIWYG editors and image handling is a laborious process, riddled with caveats and best practices. The number of contributed modules extending the WYSIWYG experience is vast, and... |
Intermediate | Site Building |
Building a Great Local Development Environment Charles Novick Learn how to download and configure the best open source applications to create a full featured Drupal development environment. After following the instructions in this session you will have a... |
Intermediate | Development |
Will Code for Coffee: How to Volunteer Randall Goya, Lanny Trager, Tom Sherlock When your family, friends, church, synagogue etc. find out you know how to build web sites, the first thing they ask is "Can you help us?" Often the answer is "Yes, but you cannot afford to pay me... |
Intermediate | Business & end users |
Controlling URL-itis Helps SEO AND Site Performance Matthew Dorman Drupal is a powerful tool for creating and distributing your content. Out of the box, it will deliver this content via numerous unique URLs, add in Views, Panels, and other auto-generating URL-... |
Intermediate | Development |
InDesign Server Integration with Drupal 7 Joe Bachana, Ben Vanderberg In this session, we will present how organizations can instance content within Drupal to an InDesign template using InDesign server. We will also demonstrate how to interact with Drupal through an... |
Intermediate | Site Building |
My Platform Is Faster Than Yours (or maybe not) Matthew Dorman Do you find your self asking "Why is my site so slow and should I just migrate to platform X since everyone I talk to says it's so much faster?" Often it is far more difficult and costly to move... |
Intermediate | Sysadmin & performance |
Custom OpenCalais Tagging Zvi Epner I've written a custom OpenCalais module for a client that simply send out the body text, retrives suggested tags and integrates into a custom ActiveTags term ref combo field. I think the... |
Intermediate | Development |
Drupal & CiviCRM: A complete solution for non-profits Shawn Duncan CiviCRM is free, open source constituent relationship management software that handles member management including renewal reminders, online contributions, online event registration, mass mailing... |
Intermediate | Site Building |
Drupal Forensics Gord Christmas Have you ever adopted a site and wondered if it was built correctly? Was core hacked? Contrib modified? This is how you can employ crime scene investigation tactics to a Drupal site, to... |
Intermediate | Sysadmin & performance |
Revitalizing Drupal Projects with SimpleTest Sean Dague Look at any long standing software site,, being no exception, and you'll find abandoned projects everywhere. As time goes on, this becomes a veritible junkyard of code. Junkyards can be... |
Intermediate | Development |
Project Manager's Workshop All there is to know about being a successful Project Manager - the Drupal way 1) Discover the best tools of the trade that will save you tonnes of time, make your team efficient and... |
Intermediate | Business & end users |
Building Beauty on Deadline: Project Management, Development, and Deployment When All Hands are On Deck Claudina Sarahe, benjamin melançon This session is a comprehensive case study of the re-launch of the site for Studio Daniel Libeskind (master planner for the Ground Zero memorial and... |
Intermediate | Presentation |
When There's Not a Module for That: Building a Contrib-worthy Drupal 7 Module benjamin melançon Drupal is a powerful and modular system— indeed, much of Drupal's power is in its modules, dynamos of pluggable functionality that can build on Drupal's base system and other modules. This session... |
Intermediate | Development |
Drupal 7 Higher Education Case Study Alex Dergachev In this session, I'll talk about an admissions portal we're building for a large Canadian university. Requirements have included an intuitive application process for applicants and a flexible form... |
Intermediate | Business & end users |
Drupal, the Cloud and Collaboration: the Rise of the Distributed Agency Ed McLaughlin Mao said, "There is great disorder under heaven and the situation is excellent." Indeed, Chairman! In the disorder of the current world economy, the situation is excellent for the Distributed... |
Intermediate | Business & end users |