DrupalCampNYC 10

Saturday 12 · 10 · 2011

What is Pantheon, and why should I use it?

Good development practices start with good development environments - dev, stage, live; drush, Git, automated backups - Pantheon has it all, supporting both Drupal 6 and 7, and makes it easy to get (and keep) your development house in order. The session will get you started with your very own Pantheon account and we'll spin up your first site. Then we'll take a trip through all the features the Pantheon crew has included for our development pleasure, plus a sneak peek at the new advanced hosting features on the Pantheon Roadmap. You'll be amazed at how fast, easy and efficient it can be to do things right from the start using this new development service. Josh and Matt from Pantheon will present, with supporting "developers' view" comments and insights from Kelly Bell of Gotham City Drupal.

This presentation is appropriate for intermediate and advanced users.

Bonus: using Tower Git GUI client for Mac OSX will be covered as part of this session.

Pantheon v2 and beyond!
Josh Koenig and Matt Cheney from Pantheon will present a "state of the union" and an update on the development roadmap for the future.

Full disclosure: Kelly Bell does not work for Pantheon - she is just an enthusiastic Drupalist and beta tester (+ shameless evangelist) for Pantheon.

Schedule info

332H (T)