DrupalCampNYC 10

Saturday 12 · 10 · 2011

Rockstar in the making: The path to theming mastery.


It's an exciting time for the front-end.

The web is evolving, standards are being updated, and new frameworks forged. In a space where there is so much change it's easy to glaze over the fundamentals. Mastery of the fundamentals enable the awesomeness you see today. It can also take your work and Drupal to the next level.

I currently work with a team of amazing theme developers. I've learnt a lot from them over the years. I'll share some of the things I believe makes them successful.

If you're a new to Drupal and interested in professional front-end development my presentation is for you. If you're a looking to hire a theme developer and curious about what to look for, this may also be helpful.

Slides are up:

Schedule info

335H (T)