DrupalCampNYC 10

Saturday 12 · 10 · 2011

LEMON- Drupal diseases and cures


With the great demand for complex Drupal websites exceeding the supply of experienced developers and with the barrier of entry to building websites low, badly botched Drupal builds are common. Some lemons are more expensive to fix than to rebuild from scratch, yet website rescue jobs are still on the rise.

In my work I often take-on rescue jobs and get to see a nice cross-section of the worst 'professional' sites. In this session I'll answer:

  • What is a Drupal lemon? What are the common varietals?
  • How can some websites work perfectly well but still be a complete disaster?
  • What are some tell-tale signs in the diagnosis?
  • How can you ensure you don't get (or build) a lemon?
  • When is a website beyond repair?
  • What happens in a typical lemon rescue? What are some of the technical techniques used to rescue a lemon?

This session is appropriate to all levels of Drupal builders, developers, evaluators, and project managers.
