DrupalCampNYC 10

Saturday 12 · 10 · 2011

@Include SASS


We'd like to give a session on CSS preprocessors. The session will focus on Sass and harnessing the true power of CSS preprocessors with Compass. We will also talk about the Susy responsive grid framework. We'll be using examples from various projects, share my favorite tips and tricks and hope to learn new ones from any Sass/Compass users in the audience.

If you aren' yet sold on CSS preprocessor this will be good a session for you even though we will not be dwelling on the basics. (An outline will be posted soon). Sassy high five if you already on #teamsass

We've given two camp talks on this topic. Each was different. This one is not a repeat but it will borrow the good parts from my other previous talks.

This Presentation: http://prezi.com/n8gzbftckrud/sassy-thinking/

Previous presentations: http://www.slideshare.net/itsmisscs
Most recent Sass/Compass project: http://daniel-libeskind.com/

Schedule info