DrupalCampNYC 10

Saturday 12 · 10 · 2011

The Emperor's New Clothes (or how I learned to ask "is the cool thing the right thing")

# The Emperor's New Clothes
## (or how I learned to ask "is the cool thing the right thing")
### (also how "Small Changes make Large Impact")

**Level:** N/A - everyone
**Audience:** Development, Site Building, and Business & End-users
**Purpose:** As web loving technologists, we're fans of innovation in our field - but at what cost? I explore the validity of today's favourite technology bandwagons and their impact on development, project management and end users.

**Content:** For DrupalCon New York, I thought I'd give the presentation in the form of a David Letterman Top 10 (which might sound insanely cheesy, but I'm hoping people will forgive me as I'll be flying in from Scotland to present).

As one of those pesky enterprise-level Management Consultant people; I've seen developers, project manager, and clients really improve their day to day production by chaning their view point on these 10 topics. I am regularly called into multi-national businesses to make small changes with high impact, and my presentations give people something to talk about and implement at work on Monday.

My current topics include:

- Drink Often. Swear more. Code Less.
- Responsive Design is Irresponsible
- Why Free is too Expensive
- Browse Crappy
- Why you have to be High to use HTML5?
- Justified: Why you're the client from Hell
- Agile is Awesome. Chaos is contagious
- Basic != Standard
- Rejoice in Release Plans
- IE6. Give thanks and praise.
- Development Platforms, Processes and Purgatory
- Open Source in the Enterprise is like a Mail Order Bride.
- Good developers don't automatically make good Jedi Knights.
- You weight 300lbs. You are not a ninja.
- Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.
- Exit stage left: How we failed the world with CSS3

I'll throw in some Drupal specifc slides and whittle it down to the "Top 10" in the weeks before the event.