DrupalCampNYC 10

Saturday 12 · 10 · 2011

How are sessions chosen?

Session selection for DrupalCampNYC 10 starts with submissions from registered attendees. Session submissions will be accepted through November 1st. For the following two weeks, until November 15th, registered attendees will be able to vote on submitted sessions; this voting will give the organizing committee a better understanding of attendee interest in each session.

When voting closes on November 15th, the organizers will spend several days reviewing the submitted sessions and taking attendee votes into consideration. While session selection is not solely based on votes, this is critical feedback that will help the organizers to put together the Camp content program.

Each track will be populated with sessions, and the content program will be announced November 19th.

Selection criteria includes attendee voting results, uniqueness and/or demand for topics, speaker reputation, and overall well-roundedness of the program. Our goal is to create a program that balances content across skill levels and disciplines, and features expert speakers while providing opportunities for promising newer or lesser-known talent.